Wi-Fi & Wired Networks

Do you need help connecting to the UWEC network either on campus or from somewhere else?

Services (8)


Use this service to request cables or other network accessories.

Connect to WiFi Networks

Use this service for assistance connecting any device to one of the univeristy networks.

Housing Port Activation

Use this service to request an internet port in a dorm be activated.

Internet Outages

Use this service to report a network outage to LTS.

Office Port Activation

Use this service to request that an office port be activated.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) Issue

Use this service for issue with VPN via GlobalProtect on a university computer when working remote,

Virtual Private Network (VPN) Setup

Use this service for assistance setting up VPN via GlobalProtect on a university computer when working remote.

Submit a Ticket

Can't find what you're looking for? Submit a ticket and we will take care of the rest!