My Recently Visited Services
Use this service to request assistence accessing or using the wisc-edu Zoom software.
Use this service to request paper for a FollowMe printer anywhere on campus.
Use this service is a digital sign in your area is not turning on or displaying properly.
Use this service for assistance connecting any device to one of the univeristy networks.
Use this service if there are issues with a projector or screen in either a classroom or a computer lab.
Use this service when a Blugold Mobile ID is not working or needs to be setup.
Use this service for assistance in mapping the S:, W:, H:, L:, J:, M:, & P: Drives.
Use this service to request that the operating system on an Apple computer be reinstalled or upgraded.
Use this service to request an extension of a campus P: Drive.
Can't find what you're looking for? Submit a ticket and we will take care of the rest!
Use this service to request assistance adding an email account to a new device.
Use this service to request dedicated time with our campus’ supercomputing resources for classroom projects.
Use this service to request assistance using the mail or calendar features in Outlook or Webmail.
Use this service to request or ask about about purchasing a new piece of hardware (i.e. computer, etc.).
Use this service for assistance seting up Mobile Printing on a device.
Use this service to request assistance using Canvas. Students should use the Help button in Canvas for telephone and chat options first.
Use this service if a computer has indicated that it requires additional identity proofing.
Use this service to request that a piece of technology be removed and/or surplused.