CampS: How to find your EAU number


Finding Your EAU Number

Students will need to use this EAU number when they are filling out their ID on a bubble test from our new Remark Test Grading software. 

1. Open your browser of choice (we recommend Chrome and FireFox).

Screenshot of: Open your browser of choice (we recommend Chrome and FireFox).


2. Go to ""


3. Click "CampS" at the top of your screen.

Screenshot of: Click "CampS" at the top of your screen.


4. Log-in using UWEC username and password, and authenticate using Okta.

Screenshot of: Log-in using UWEC username and password, and authenticate using DUO.


5. Click on the "Profile" card.

Screenshot of: Click on the "Profile" card.


6. Locate EAU number in the upper left-hand corner of your screen (note: this is different than your Blugold/Campus ID number).

Screenshot of: Locate EAU number in the upper lefthand corner of your screen.



Article ID: 10678
Mon 1/29/24 9:39 AM
Mon 3/4/24 12:58 PM