- First, upload the video into Kaltura/My Media.
- Once it is uploaded to My Media, collaborators can be added to the video by clicking on the video’s hyperlink in My Media and selecting the “edit” button.
- Then, go into the Collaboration tab (1) and select “+ Add Collaborator” (2).

- Type in the name (last and first name) and select the appropriate name when it appears in the search field (3), then select “Co-editor," "Co-Publisher" and/or "Co-Viewer” (4) and select “Add” (5).

If you are unsure of which role and permission level to pick from, please see the roles and permission descriptions below:
- Co-Editors - can edit the entry's details and metadata, trim media, replace media, edit captions, edit chapters and edit slides. Co-editors cannot delete media or add new co-editors and co-publishers. Co-editors can see the analytics page for the media they co-edit.
- Co-Publishers - can publish media to their entitled Categories or Channels.
- Co-Viewers - are only able to view media and do not have editing permissions, nor are they allowed to view unlisted entries, unless they are also co-publishers or co-editors of that entry.
The video will appear in the newly-added collaborator’s My Media. Most filters in My Media are set to alphabetical, which means the newly added video will not appear at the top of the My Media page. To find the video, search for it in My Media by typing in the name of the video.